
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tsuiyoung
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一、国际性经济犯罪的界定什么是国际性经济犯罪,目前并没有明确统一的概念。从国内刑法的角度来看,经济犯罪是违反一国刑法规范的行为。因此,国际性经济犯罪是以违反一国刑法规范为前提的,首先是被一国刑法所明文禁止的行为。从国际刑法的角度来看,国际性经济犯罪则是破坏国际社会经济秩序的行为,应受到各国刑法的制裁。事实上,在现代各国的刑事立法中,许多经济犯罪尽管在罪名和处罚轻重上不尽相同,但几乎都可以找到其相近或相同的立法根据,从这个意义上讲,国际性经济犯罪既离不开国内刑法规范的规定,同时也是国际社会公认的犯罪行为。按照笔者的理解,国际性经济犯罪是指犯罪的要素跨越或超越国界的经济犯罪。从犯罪构成理论和犯罪国际化的实践来看,凡是具有下列情形之一的,都应当认为是国际性经济犯罪:(1)犯罪主体为外国人的。在一个人单独犯罪中,如果犯罪人非本国公民,当然是国际性犯罪,或称涉外犯罪;在二人以上共同犯罪中,如果其中有一人是外国人,也可以认定该种犯罪具有国际性。(2)犯罪行为或结果有一项发生在外国领域内的。按照各国刑法通行的管辖原则,犯罪行为或结果有一项发生在本国领域内的, First, the definition of international economic crime What is an international economic crime, there is no clear and unified concept. From the perspective of domestic criminal law, economic crime is a violation of the norms of criminal law in a country. Therefore, international economic crimes are based on the violation of the criminal law norms of a country. The first is that they are expressly prohibited by the criminal law of a country. From the perspective of international criminal law, international economic crimes are acts that undermine the economic order of the international community and should be sanctioned by criminal law in all countries. In fact, in modern criminal legislation, many economic crimes can find almost similar or identical legislative basis despite their different guilt and penalties. In this sense, international economic crimes are not only separated Do not open the provisions of domestic criminal law norms, but also recognized by the international community of criminal acts. According to the author’s understanding, international economic crime refers to the economic crime whose elements of crime cross or exceed national boundaries. From the theory of crime constitution and the practice of criminal internationalization, any one of the following situations should be regarded as an international economic crime: (1) The criminal subject is a foreigner. In a person’s separate crime, if the offender is not a citizen of his own country, he is of course an international crime or a crime involving a foreign party; if one of them is a foreigner in a joint crime involving two or more people, the crime can be considered as international . (2) A criminal act or result occurred in a foreign field. In accordance with the principle of jurisdiction prevailing in criminal law in each country, where there is an act of crime or result occurring in the realm of our own country,
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