题 目作者 期页 毛泽东思想邓小平理论研究毛泽东、邓小平现代化战略思想比较张丽虹 1— 4 2马克思主义与中国实际相结合的逻辑进程李保丽 1— 4 7 本刊特稿 对中国政治社会化的评估赵海立 2— 3 文史哲研究论社会交往的生产力意义杨仁忠 1— 31儒家
Title Author Period Page Mao Zedong Thought Deng Xiaoping Theory Comparison of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping’s Strategic Thoughts on Modernization Zhang Lihong 1- 4 2 The Logistic Process of the Combination of Marxism and China’s Actualities Li Baoli 1- 4 7 Journal Articles on China’s Political Socialization Assessment Zhao Hai- 3 literature, history and philosophy of social productive forces of social significance Yang Renzhong 1-31 Confucianism