本文报道10例次全喉切除术后喉会厌成形术,术式是保留一侧杓状软骨及双侧甲状软骨后翼板作为支架,利用会厌成功地一期重建喉部。一般此术可早期拔管、误吸短暂而轻微、气道通畅、发声功能良好。全部病例为男性,年龄43岁~80岁,活检证实为声门区鳞癌,其中7例以前作过根治性放疗。手术适应症: 1.声门区肿瘤,彻底切除肿瘤后一侧杓状软骨完好。 2.会厌未受侵犯(或仅基部少许受侵)。 3.喉室病变极轻微。
This article reports 10 cases of subtotal laryngectomy after laryngophageal angioplasty, surgery is to retain the side of the arytenoid cartilage and bilateral posterior flap as a scaffold, the pharyngeal successfully reconstruct the throat. In general, this technique can be early extubation, short and short aspiration, airway patency, sound good. All cases were male, aged from 43 to 80 years old, biopsy confirmed as glioma of squamous cell carcinoma, of which 7 cases had previously been radical radiotherapy. Surgery indications: 1. Glottic tumor, complete removal of the tumor after the arytenoid cartilage intact. 2. epiglottis not infringed (or only a little basal invasion). 3. Throat disease is minimal.