提供利用合理的材料 促进角色游戏的发展

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著名的教育专家陈鹤琴先生曾经说过这样一句话:“玩具是儿童的生命”小孩子玩,很少空着手的;必须有许多玩的东西来帮助,才能玩得起来,才能满足玩的欲望。玩,固然重要,玩具更为重要。玩具和材料对于幼儿游戏来说起着重要的作用。幼儿在幼儿园中游戏的玩具可分为成型玩具和未成型玩具。成兴玩具主要是是按照各种实物的形象专门设计的玩具。娃娃,小动物,交通工具都可以由各种材料制成。未成型玩具指一些可被幼儿当成各种玩具使用的材料。对于我们 Mr. Chen Heqin, a famous education expert, once said something like this: “Toys are children’s lives.” Children play with few hands. There must be many things to play to help them to play well. desire. Play, though important, toys are more important. Toys and materials play an important role in early childhood games. Children play in the kindergarten toys can be divided into forming toys and unformed toys. Cheng Xing toys are mainly designed according to a variety of physical images of toys. Dolls, small animals, transport can be made of a variety of materials. Unmolded toys are toys that children can use as toys. about us