For many years many drugs have been used to treat tuberculosis, but until 1940, never found a truly effective and without serious toxicity of drugs. In 1940 we met the promin, which proved to be effective against tuberculosis in guinea pigs, which is the beginning of chemotherapy. After the discovery of streptomycin in 1944, many desperate tuberculosis such as tuberculous meningitis in the past have been treated and the safety of tuberculosis surgical treatment has been greatly promoted. In particular, the discovery of isoniazid in 1952, the treatment of tuberculosis, entered the era of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy (hereinafter referred to as chemotherapy) has become increasingly important and has become the basis for the treatment of tuberculosis, rest nutrition method, collapse therapy, and nursing home hospital treatment to secondary. Due to the significant effect of chemotherapy, the death rate of tuberculosis in countries in the world has been reduced by 75% in the past decade. Although the incidence is not as significant in some countries as mortality, it is also lower. From this we can see that chemotherapy has prolonged the life span of many TB patients in the past decade and saved thousands of lives. The clinical effect of chemotherapy is very significant, according to the United States Association for Demobilized soldiers will test 3300 people