In swept fly attacking ammunition, the warhead is mounted perpendicular to the axis of the cylindrical carrier and to the flight trajectory. The cylindrical carrier holds a geometric constraint on a conventional axisymmetric warhead. This geometry defines the diameter and weight of the warhead and thus also its lethality. The non-axisymmetric warhead is a concept that increases the lethality of a swept-fly attacking ammunition by loading more charge into the warhead with more volume in the axial direction of the carrier and adding more power to the target. The United States Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) began its study of NASEFP warheads in the early 1980s. The original NASEFP warhead was a simple, two-dimensional axisymmetric warhead design that was truncated and fitted within a specified volume. Until the three-dimensional finite element computer program and the complex three-dimensional shaped mask manufacturing technology become available, the aerodynamically stable and lethal EFP can be formed from the structure of the NAS shaped charge warhead.