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辛亥革命,民国肇建。民主政治呼声日甚,各派政党政团蜂起。据有人统计,民初全国各种政党政团组织不下300余种,可谓一时之兴。随着袁世凯逐步窃取民国果实,北洋军阀统治巩固,一些政党不是因反对袁氏专权弄国,起而抗争,被明令禁止取消;便是受袁世凯利用煽动政潮,互相攻伐;更有甚者为一党之利益,同袁氏同流合污,为虎作伥。因而当时中国一般民众便错误认为民国以来的中国社会动乱多为政党政争引起,从而导致对政党的敌视态度。民初以来闹哄哄的政党政治由此跌入低谷。1916年护国战争结束,在新形势下政治重新向政党开放之际,鉴于时论对政党政治存在的逆反心理,原来的各政党纷纷采取“不党主义”,拆党政派重新组合进入政坛。然而就在这样一个时刻,中国政坛忽然奏出一个反弹的音响,有人不仅要坚持组党而且还要组织那些厌倦政党的人的政党。这就是殷仁和他的一人平民社会党。 Revolution, the Republic of China Zhao Jian. As the democratic politics has become increasingly vociferous, various political parties and political groups have been beeing. According to some statistics, no fewer than 300 species of various political parties and political organizations in the early Republic of China were able to be described as a temporary move. As Yuan Shikai gradually steals the fruits of the Republic of China, the rule and consolidation of the Beiyang warlords and the struggle by some parties not because of opposition to the monopoly of the Yuan’s government have been banned by the ban; that is, they have been incited by Yuan Shikai to incite political tide and attack each other; For the benefit of one party, with the Yuan together, for the tiger. Thus, at that time, the general public in China mistakenly believed that most of the social unrest in China since the Republic of China was caused by political parties and political parties, leading to a hostile attitude toward political parties. Since then, noisy party politics has plummeted. In 1916, when the War of Nations States ended and politics was reopened to the political parties under the new situation, the original political parties adopted the principle of “non-partyism” and the demobilization of party members into the political arena in the light of the anachronism of the political existence of the political parties. . However, at such a moment, China’s political arena suddenly played a rebound sound, some people not only to adhere to the party, but also to organize those who are tired of the party’s political parties. This is Yin Ren and one of his civilian civil society parties.
一道好的证明题往往能激发思维,拓宽思路.现举一例说明,原题如下:已知:如图所示,∠A ∠ABC ∠C  =360°.  求证:AE∥CD.  证法一:如图1,连接AC.  因为∠1 ∠2 ∠ABC ∠3 ∠4  =360°,  又因为在△ABC中∠2 ∠ABC   ∠3=180°,  所以∠1 ∠4=180°.  所以AE∥CD.  证法二:如图2-1,过点B作BF∥AE,则∠A ∠1=180°.
<正> 150年前英国侵略者用炮舰和鸦片打开了中华封建帝国的大门。可耻的鸦片贸易,流毒中华,戕害中国人的身心;白银严重外流,10多年间达1.2亿两,使中国市场纹银奇缺,银贵钱贱至于极点,政府与百姓两皆受害。林则徐在广东严厉禁烟,反映了中国人民的严正要求。清朝道光中期,鸦片输入每年达4万箱。林则徐雷厉风行地查禁鸦片,半年间迫使烟贩们缴出2.02万余箱。换言之,即把1839年上半年运到广州来的鸦片悉数收缴,功效之高,令
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本文以宁夏全区沙质荒漠化普查结果为依据,就宁夏沙漠化土地的状况、成因作了分析,并提出当前防治沙漠化的对策。 Based on the results of census of sandy desertification