山区梯田多为不规则形,难以精确测量面积,根据微积分学中对不规则图形面积近似计算公式,进一步简化,设计出如下测量计算方法。设某梯田一块,形状见图一。测量时两人手拉一卷尺由 A点出发,分别沿梯田两边向 B 点前进,每走一段距离,测量一下弦的长度,要求各弦之间保持平行并且距离相等。测得各弦长为 y_1、y_2、y_3……y_n,两弦之间距离为△x。其面积计算公式为:
Most terraces in mountainous area are irregular, so it is difficult to measure the area accurately. Based on the calculus of approximate calculation of irregular pattern area in calculus, the following simplified methods of calculation are also designed. Set a terrace, the shape shown in Figure one. Measure two hands when pulling a tape measure starting from point A, respectively, along the two sides of the terrace to point B forward, each walking a distance, measuring the length of the string, requiring the strings to maintain parallel and equal distance. The measured chord length is y_1, y_2, y_3 ...... y_n, the distance between two strings is Δx. The area is calculated as: