
来源 :阅读与鉴赏(初中) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hopemaoelgin
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本刊以初中生为读者对象,共分四个板块,即导航板块、助读板块、应试板块、品味板块:导航板块点金指:主要刊登方法指导方面的文章,包括阅读方法、阅读题的解题方法和作文写作方法等方面的指导文章。文章要浅显易懂,不要写成论文性的,最好能结合实例加以分析。以读带写:以“读倒文,悟写法”的形式出现,写作者要重点从“写什么”、“怎么写”的角度加以点拔,目的是让学生读写结合,从而提高写作能力。好书共享:推荐适合学生阅读的好书、新书,可以是内容简介,也可以是书评;学生朋友可以推荐自己喜欢的书,以“读后感”的形式出现。助读板块探究阅读:采用跟新课标每一单元相类似的形式,从课外选文,形成专题阅读,每一组文章都要有单元提示,每一篇文章都要附上引言,文后附上思考题和答案。虚拟课堂:根据教学进度,分别从三个年级的某个单元中选文,采用名师讲课的形式,从学法上给学生以指导。走进古诗文:选登适合初中生阅读的课内外古诗文,并加赏析。选文要短小、通俗、有趣。或者选择某一个作者的作品,形成专题。口味板块佳作欣赏:选登古今中外短小经典的文学作品或当下一些时文,配有赏析文字。诗香一掬:选登中外优美的短诗,并加赏析。同龄鸟:选登初中生优秀作文(包括文学社)及教师点评。 The journal targets junior high school students and is divided into four sections: navigation section, reading section, test section, and taste section: Navigation section: Refers to the main method guidance articles, including reading methods and reading questions. Solutions articles and composition writing methods and other guidance articles. The article should be easy to understand, and should not be written as a dissertation. It is best to analyze it with examples. Writing in reading strips: appears in the form of “reading inverted writings, comprehending writing methods”. Writers must focus on “what to write” and “how to write”. The aim is to allow students to read and write in order to improve their writing skills. . Good book sharing: Recommends good books and new books that are suitable for students to read. It can be a brief introduction or a book review. Students’ friends can recommend their favorite books in the form of “reading after reading”. Read-aloud section to explore reading: adopt a form similar to the new curriculum standard for each unit, select the text from outside the class, form a special reading, each group of articles must have a unit prompt, each article should be attached with an introduction, after the text Attach questions and answers. Virtual Classroom: According to the progress of the teaching, selected from a certain unit of the three grades, using the form of a teacher to teach, from the method of learning to give students guidance. Into the ancient poetry: selected for reading junior high school students inside and outside the ancient poetry, and added appreciation. The selection should be short, popular, and interesting. Or choose a certain author’s work to form a topic. Enjoy appreciation of the taste plate: choose classic short and short literary works of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, or some current time, with appreciation of text. A poetic fragrance: Select beautiful short Chinese poems and add appreciation. Peer of the same age: Selected excellent compositions (including literary clubs) and teachers’ comments.
谎言往往应该把人们抛入痛苦的深渊,而有一种谎言却能催生出这个世界上最美丽的花朵——那就是母亲的谎言。    儿时,小男孩家里很穷,饭常常不够吃,母亲就把自己碗里的饭分给孩子们吃。母亲说:“孩子们,快吃吧,我不饿!”——这是母亲撒的第一个谎。  男孩长身体的时候,勤劳的母亲常在休息时间去县郊的河沟里捞些鱼来给孩子们改善生活。鱼很好吃,鱼汤也很鲜。孩子们吃鱼的时候,母亲就在一旁啃鱼骨头,用舌头舔鱼骨头
成语“邯郸学步”的典故出于《庄子·秋水》,它比喻生搬硬套机械摹仿别人,不但学不到别人的长处,反而把自己原有的本事也丢了“邯郸学步”尽管讲的是古时候的事,但这种现象,在同学们习作训练过程中也存在  现在同学们的手头,优秀作文选编各种课外读物中作文栏目的选文各地编印的学生作文汇编,可以说品种繁多,势如潮涌同学们在习作中,适当参考一些“范文”本是好事,可就有那么一些同学,唯“范文”是从他们认为,能进入“