Prognostic value of serum soluble Fas in patients with locally advanced unresectable rectal cancer r

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biote | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeffzhangjf
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Objective: This study was designed to detect the changes of serum soluble Fas (sFas) levels in patients with locally advanced unresectable rectal cancer (LAURC),and to explore its prognostic value of response.Methods: Soluble samples were obtained from LAURC subjects,treated by concurrent chemoradiotherapy,before treatment and one month after treatment.Healthy donor serum samples were used as controls.sFas concentration was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).Results: The sFas levels before treatment and one month after treatment were both significantly higher in LAURC subjects than in healthy controls [(8.79±1.39) and (7.74±1.32) vs.(5.53±1.13) ng/L,P<0.01].The sFas levels before treatment and one month after treatment were significantly lower in the response group (complete and partial responses) than in the non-response group (stable and progressive diseases) [(8.50±1.25) vs.(10.17±1.26) ng/L,P<0.01 and (7.50±1.24) vs.(8.90±1.13) ng/L,P<0.01,respectively].The one-year survival rate was 54.2% and 82.6% in those with sFas levels >8.79 ng/L and <8.79 ng/L before treatment (P<0.02),respectively,50.0% and 87.0% in those with sFas levels >7.74 ng/L and <7.74 ng/L one month after treatment (P<0.01),respectively.Conclusions: The sFas level is higher in LAURC subjects than in healthy controls.Concurrent chemoradiotherapy can reduce sFas levels in LAURC patients.The monitoring of sFas may provide prognostic information for LAURC patients. Objective: This study was designed to detect the changes of serum soluble Fas (sFas) levels in patients with locally advanced unresectable rectal cancer (LAURC), and to explore its prognostic value of response. Methods: Soluble samples were obtained from LAURC subjects, treated by concurrent chemoradiotherapy, before treatment and one month after treatment. Health at donor serum samples were used as controls. Fas concentration was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: The sFas levels before treatment and one month after treatment were both higher in LAURC subjects than in healthy controls [(8.79 ± 1.39) and (7.74 ± 1.32) vs. (5.53 ± 1.13) ng / L, P <0.01] the response group (complete and partial responses) than in the non-response group (stable and progressive diseases [(8.50 ± 1.25) vs. (10.17 ± 1.26) ng / L, P <0.01 and (7.50 ± 1.24 vs. (8.90 ± 1.13) ng / L, P <0.01, respectively] .Th e one-year survival rate was 54.2% and 82.6% in those with sFas levels> 8.79 ng / L and <8.79 ng / L before treatment (P <0.02), respectively, 50.0% and 87.0% in those with sFas levels> 7.74 ng / L and <7.74 ng / L for one month after treatment (P <0.01), respectively. Conclusions: The sFas level is higher in LAURC subjects than in healthy controls. Current chemoradiotherapy can reduce sFas levels in LAURC patients. The monitoring of sFas may provide prognostic information for LAURC patients.
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