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各市、县、自治县人民政府,省政府直属各有关单位:根据《中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法》、《海南省实施〈中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法〉办法》和《海南省村民委员会选举办法》的规定,我省第二届村民委员会(以下简称村委会)绝大多数今年任期届满,需依法进行换届选举。为了切实做好全省第三届村委会换届选举工作,经省委同意,现将《全省第三届村民委员会换届选举工作方案》印发给你们,请遵照执行。这次村委会换届选举是加强村级组织建设,提高农村基层领导班子整体素质的一项重要工作,是实施依法治省方略,保证农民群众直接行使民主权利的一件大事,也是贯彻落实江泽民总书记“三个代表”重要思想的具体体现,对保证党和国家的方针政策在农村得到落实,全面推进农村基层民主政治建设,促进我省农村的发展和稳定,都具有极其重要的意义。各级党委和政府要从讲政治、保稳定的高度认识村委会换届选举工作的重要性,切实加强领导,充分发扬民主,严格依法办事,大力开展宣传教育活动,认真抓好试点工作,确保第三届村委会换届选举工作顺利进行。 According to the Organic Law of Villagers’ Committees of the People’s Republic of China, the Measures for the Implementation of the Organic Law of Villagers’ Committees of Hainan Province and the Measures for the Election of Villagers’ Committees of Hainan Province, all units directly under the municipality, county, autonomous county and provincial governments: The second majority of the villagers’ committees in our province (hereinafter referred to as the village committees) expire this year, and the general election must be conducted in accordance with the law. In order to earnestly do a good job in the election of general election of the third village committee of the province, with the agreement of the provincial party committee, we hereby issue you a copy of the Work Plan for the Election of the Third Provincial Villagers Committee Election. Please follow the instructions. This general election of village committees is an important task of strengthening the construction of village-level organizations and improving the overall quality of the leadership at the grass-roots level in rural areas. It is a major event in implementing the strategy of controlling the province in accordance with the law and ensuring that the peasants and masses directly exercise their democratic rights. It is also an important task in implementing Jiang Zemin’s It is extremely important that the general secretary and the important embodiment of the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ guarantee the promulgation of the party’s and state’s principles and policies in rural areas, comprehensively promote the construction of grassroots democratic politics in rural areas and promote the development and stability of rural areas in our province significance. Party committees and governments at all levels should understand the importance of the general election of village committees from the perspective of politics and ensuring stability. They must earnestly strengthen leadership, give full play to democracy, strictly act in accordance with the law, vigorously carry out propaganda and education activities, conscientiously do a good job in pilot work, and ensure that The third village appoint general election work smoothly.
当街面上有了“陶吧”、“布吧”的时候,我们感受到的是一种“文化追求”和一种异常的新鲜。而当街面上出现了“氧吧”的时候,我们却不知道自己尝到了一种什么样的滋味!  与“吧主”们、“吧客”们闲聊多了,对这项生意就有了进一步的了解。开办“氧吧”的经济学依据在于环境质量越来越差,大气污染越来越严重,氧气日渐稀少,因其稀少,所以奇货可居;开办“氧吧”的社会学抑或心理学的依据则是,只有泡在氧吧里的一族,才真正
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