大学英语的教学目的是 :“培养学生具有较强阅读能力 ,一定的听、说、写、译能力 ,使学生能以英语为工具交流信息”。因此 ,教师要在教学中注重培养学生的阅读能力。引导学生分清文章的不同体裁 (议论文、描写文、说明文、记叙文 )及特点 ,教会学生在阅读时应使用的方法。
The purpose of college English teaching is: “to train students with strong reading ability, certain listening, speaking, writing and translating ability, so that students can use English as a tool to exchange information.” Therefore, teachers should pay attention to cultivating students’ reading ability in teaching. Guide students to distinguish articles of different genres (essay, description, description, narrative) and characteristics of the church students should use the method of reading.