China’s new electricity reform proposed to improve inter-provincial electricity trading mechanism policies, develop a reasonable and efficient cross-provincial electricity purchase medium-and long-term trading plan. Considering the restraint of power transmission between provinces, the concept of peak shaving depth of purchased power is introduced. Combined with the purchased electricity price, load in the province and output of power generation and other factors, the monthly electricity balance in typical days of the province is determined to determine the provincial electricity Supply gap, the establishment of outsourcing annual trading planning model, so as to optimize the purchase order of different power supply to achieve the minimum annual purchase of electricity costs the goal. The simulation shows that: 1) By increasing the peak shaving depth and higher electricity prices purchased power, you can reduce the peak shaving depth and lower electricity prices purchased electricity, thereby reducing the cost of purchasing electricity; 2) different months of electricity The demand situation has a great impact on the optimization effect of this month’s outsourcing transaction, and the new method can achieve good optimization results in the months with less electricity demand.