一、典型性格 题目:“怪”人______ ______ [说明]先在横线填上具有特殊性格的人名。 分析提示:1.按要求在横线上填好具有典型性格的人名。既为“怪”人,其名就应该体现“怪”的性格特怔。能用绰号之类最好,如“马大哈”、“不求人”、“老抠”等,当然也可用如同常人的姓名。2.要围绕文眼“怪”字选材立意,在“怪”字上做文章。何为怪人?闻一多先生做学问只做不说,面对特务的枪弹却敢做敢说,慷慨陈辞;鲁迅先生,“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。”他们两人看来都“怪”,却统一于爱憎分明的革命立场。在我们现实生活中也有这样一些人,平时衣食简朴,花钱分厘计较,称得上“老抠”,然而为了救灾募捐,为“希望工程”解囊,一掷千金,慷慨豪爽;还有这样一些人,平时老实巴交,甚至患点“妻管严”,然而和那些社会蛀虫斗争起来却拍案而起,奋不顾身。这不都是值得我们去写的“怪”人么?3.分析要运用辩证唯物主义的思想方法,透过现象看本质,善于把人物放在对立统一的矛盾斗争中(比如“懦弱”与“勇敢”,“凶狠”与“慈祥”、“小气”与“大方”等)去表现,去刻
First, the typical character Title: “strange” person ______ ______ [Explanation] First fill in the horizontal line with a special character name. Analysis Tips: 1. Fill in a person with a typical personality on the horizontal line as required. As a “strange” person, his name should embody the “strange” personality. It is best to use nicknames, such as “Ma Daha”, “not ask for people”, “old man”, etc. Of course, it can also be used as the name of an ordinary person. 2. It is necessary to select material ideas around the word “strange” and make a fuss over the word “strange”. What is a weird person? Mr. Wen Yiduo only does not say what he has to do. He has dared to speak with gunshots in spite of spy on the spy; Mr. Lu Xun, “Crossing the eyebrows and pointing at the fingers, leaned in favor of blind cattle.” They looked at each other. All came to be “strange” but unified in the ambiguous revolutionary position. In our real life, there are also such people who usually have simple food and clothing, spend money in a nutshell, and are called “the old man”. However, in order to save money for disaster relief, “Project Hope” is a huge sum of money, generous and forthright; In fact, he usually pays off with his wife and strict control, but he fights against the social locusts and rises up to his feet, and he goes out of his way. Isn’t this all the “strange” people worthy of us to write? 3. Analyze the use of dialectical materialist methods of thinking, look at the nature through phenomena, and be good at putting characters in the contradictory struggle of unity of opposites (such as “weakness” and Brave, fierce and kindness, stingy and generous, etc.