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在中华民族悠久的历史文化长河里,古典诗词犹如繁星点点,熠熠生辉,千百年来,万口传诵,哺育了一代又一代人。选入教材的古诗词,都是历经锤炼的名篇佳作,语文教师要善于引导学生感受真、善、美,把握古诗词一泻千里的感情激流,领悟字里行间跳动着的感情脉搏,引导学生向往美好的情境,关心自然和生命,提高文化品位和审美情趣。一、“诗中有画,画中有诗”——体味诗歌的画面美诗是凝固的画,画是流动的诗,中国古典诗词的优美意境,就像一幅幅色彩淡雅的水墨画。如崔颢的《黄鹤楼》开篇呈现于眼前的是鹤去楼空,惟余天际白云,悠悠千载,飘忽不定。我们仿佛看到诗 In the long history and culture of the Chinese nation, classical poetry is like a starry glitz. For thousands of years, thousands have been chanting and feeding generations after generation. The ancient Chinese poems selected for the textbooks are well-known masterpieces. The Chinese teachers should be good at guiding the students to feel true, good and beautiful, grasp the feelings and excitement of the ancient poetry, and grasp the pulse of the feelings of the beating between the lines to guide the students to look forward to the beautiful Situation, concerned about nature and life, improve cultural taste and aesthetic taste. One, “painting in the poem, painting in the poem” - appreciate the poem of the poem is solidified painting, painting is a flowing poem, the beautiful artistic conception of Chinese classical poetry, like a range of elegant and colorful ink painting . Such as Cui Hao’s “Yellow Crane Tower,” the opening appeared in front of Crane to the floor empty, but the sky is white, long 1000 years, erratic. We seem to see poetry
初中学生良好的行为习惯的养成与课程教学有着极为密切的关系,无论怎样的学科课程都可用之为学生行为习惯养成的促进因素。思想品德教育则是所有 The development of good b
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〔关键词〕 体育教学;教学观念;指导思想;师  生关系;个体差异;评价机制  〔中图分类号〕 G633.96 〔文献标识码〕 C  〔文章编号〕 1004—0463(2013)07—0054—01  体育教学是学生获得体育知识与技能,增强体质,发展智力,养成健全人格的重要途径,是实施素质教育的主要渠道。在推行新课程改革的今天,体育教师能否激发学生的运动兴趣,充分发挥学生的主体性,是体育教学成功与否
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