白洋淀自1988年蓄水以来,由于各级渔业主管部门的努力,渔业资源逐步回升,但是电捕鱼船也随之出现,且越来越多。据不完全统计,仅沧州辖区的电捕渔船就不下百艘。渔政部门虽每年都将其列为重点控制对象,但仍有屡禁不止的趋势。 《渔业法》、《渔业法实施细则》、《河北省
Since the impoundment of the Baiyangdian Lake in 1988, fishery resources have gradually risen due to the efforts of fishery authorities at all levels, but more and more electric fishing vessels have emerged. According to incomplete statistics, there are only about 100 fishing vessels in Cangzhou. Although the fishery administration department lists it as the key control target every year, there are still repeated trends. Fisheries Law, Implementation Rules of Fishery Law, Hebei Province