伴着和煦的春风,每四年举办一次的“第五届全国陶瓷艺术设计创作评比展”于五月一日在陶都宜兴拉开了帷幕,来自15个省、87家单位的上千余件作品参加了这一隆重的陶瓷艺术盛会,可谓名瓷荟萃,美不胜收。 参展的陶瓷作品,无论是陶瓷设计作品、陶艺创作还是雕塑作品,均多侧面全方位的反映了近年来国内陶瓷艺术设计的概况。置身于陶瓷艺术的殿堂,面对色彩斑谰、形态各异的陶瓷作品,令人激动,叫人神往。土与火在这里融铸着真诚与爱恋,展现出民族精神和中华魂。 我院陶瓷艺术设计系送展了八件套作品,经过专家学者的评选鉴定,荣获一等奖、二等奖各一名,三等奖二名,入选奖一名。
Accompanied by the spring breeze, held every four years, “the Fifth National Ceramics Art Design Competition Exhibition” on May 1 in Yixing, Tau was kicked off from 15 provinces, 87 units of more than a thousand Pieces to participate in this grand ceramic art event, can be described as celebrity porcelain blend, beautiful. Exhibition of ceramic works, both ceramic design work, ceramic art creation or sculpture, all multi-faceted all-round reflection of the domestic ceramic art design in recent years. Exposure to the hall of ceramic art, the face of colorful spots, different forms of ceramic works, exciting, fascinating. Earth and fire here casting casting sincere and love, showing the spirit of the nation and the Chinese soul. Ceramic Art Design Department of our hospital sent eight sets of works, after the selection of experts and scholars appraised, won the first prize, second prize each one, three second prize, one award.