根据中国和欧盟“公共管理合作项目”2005 年度计划安排,欧盟四位专家于5月24日来大连行政学院作了专题讲学。欧盟四位专家就法国和荷兰国家地方行政改革方面的内容作了专题报告,并就地方行政改革等问题与大家进行了广泛而深入的交流与探讨。
According to the 2005 plan for public administration cooperation projects between China and the EU, four experts from the EU made special lectures at the Dalian Administration Institute on May 24. Four EU experts made a special report on the contents of the local administrative reforms in France and the Netherlands and conducted extensive and in-depth exchanges and discussions on the issues of local administrative reform.