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党的十七大代表何金娣:上海卢湾区辅读学校校长、特级教师、特级校长,市人大代表。她在上海市第一个做出“对智障孩子实现教育零拒绝”承诺,她为使弱智的少年儿童终能回归社会殚思竭力,被人们誉为“残障孩子的可亲可敬的母亲。”何金娣曾被授予全国三八红旗手、全国“十杰”青年教师、全国先进工作者、上海市三八红旗手标兵、上海市劳动模范、首届上海市教育功臣等荣誉称号,获全国道德模范提名奖。2001年上海市建立何金娣工作室,被市教委命名为特殊教育名师培养基地。何金娣现兼任上海市康复学会儿童康复专业委员会副主任委员、上海市教育学会特殊教育专业委员会副秘书长,主持编写中度弱智教材54册已出版,专著《中度弱智生存教育课程与教学》、《残障儿童心理生理教育干预案例研究》等也已出版,主持的科研课题曾获上海市教育教学科研成果一等奖。2002年上海市教育局党委发出向何金娣学习的通知,上海市委宣传部等单位举行何金娣同志先进事迹报告会,以何金娣为原型的音乐诗剧《走进艳阳天》在全国部分城市上演,中央电视台播出何金娣专题片,中国教育报等媒体对何金娣有多达数十次报道。2007年8月当选党的十七大代表。 He Jindi, Representative of the 17th National Congress of the CPC: Principal, Special Teacher, Principal, and Municipal People’s Congress of Shanghai Luwan District Supplementary School. She was the first one in Shanghai to make a “zero-denial of education for mentally retarded children,” and she was praised as “a dear person with disabilities for the mentally handicapped children to eventually return to society ”He Jindi has been awarded the honor of the 38th National Flags, the national “ ten jie ”young teachers, the national advanced workers, Shanghai March 8 Hongqi hand model, Shanghai model worker, the first Shanghai city of education hero Title, won the national moral model nomination award. He Jindi Studio was established in Shanghai in 2001 and was named as a special education teacher training base by the Municipal Board of Education. He Jindi is concurrently the vice chairman of Shanghai Rehabilitation Society Children’s Rehabilitation Professional Committee and the deputy secretary general of Special Education Committee of Shanghai Education Society. He presided over the publication of 54 books of moderate mentally handicapped textbooks, the book “Moderate Mentally Retarded Living Education Curriculum and Teaching” The Case Study on Psychological and Physiological Education for Handicapped Children has also been published. The scientific research projects hosted by it have won the first prize of Shanghai Education Teaching Research Achievements. In 2002, Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Education issued a notice to He Jindi, Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and other units held Comrade Ho Jin Di advanced deeds report, He Jindi as the prototype music drama “Go into sunny” in some cities in the country, CCTV Broadcasting He Jindi feature films, China Education News and other media dozens of reports of He Jindi. In 2007 August elected party’s 17 representative.
本文译自美国高中物理olympiad竞赛半决赛热学部分。 This article was translated from the thermal section of the American High School Physics Olympiad semi-finals.
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