Licorice is commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, mainly contains glycyrrhizin (glycyrrhizin), glycyrrhetinic acid and flavonoids. Large doses or long-term use of licorice or glycyrrhizic acid can cause pseudo-aldosteronism, clinical manifestations of hypertension, palpitations, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, drowsiness, generalized weakness, limb paralysis, hypokalemia, lower extremities and systemic edema. Elderly people, women, cardiovascular disease and kidney damage are prone to this disease. Licorice and glycyrrhizin preparations caused by hyperaldosteronism and 11β-hydrogenated steroid dehydrogenase and increased mineralocorticoid receptor activity. Prevention and treatment measures include: licorice and glycyrrhizin preparations should not be high-dose or long-term use; the elderly, cardiovascular disease and kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes patients should be used with caution; try to avoid with cardiac glycosides, diuretics and other combinations; medication should be Periodic examination of serum potassium and determination of blood pressure; in the event of pseudo-aldosteronism, should be discontinued immediately; critically ill patients with appropriate potassium supplementation, oral triamterene, given a low sodium diet.