
来源 :药物不良反应杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:delicioussmoke
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甘草是常用中药,主要含有甘草甜素(甘草酸)、甘草次酸及黄酮类化合物。大剂量或长期使用甘草或甘草酸,可引起假性醛固酮增多症,临床表现为血压升高、心悸、气短、心律失常、嗜睡、全身乏力、四肢麻痹、低血钾、下肢和全身水肿等。老年人、妇女、心血管疾病和肾损害者易发生此症。甘草及甘草酸制剂引起的假性醛固酮增多症和抑制11β-氢化类固醇脱氢酶及增加盐皮质激素受体活性有关。防治措施包括:甘草及甘草酸制剂不宜大剂量或长期使用;老年人、心血管疾病和肾脏疾病、高血压、糖尿病患者应慎用;尽量避免与强心苷、利尿剂等合用;用药期间应定期检查血清钾值和测定血压;一旦发生假性醛固酮增多症,应立即停药;重症患者适当补充钾盐,口服氨苯蝶啶,给予低钠饮食等。 Licorice is commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, mainly contains glycyrrhizin (glycyrrhizin), glycyrrhetinic acid and flavonoids. Large doses or long-term use of licorice or glycyrrhizic acid can cause pseudo-aldosteronism, clinical manifestations of hypertension, palpitations, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, drowsiness, generalized weakness, limb paralysis, hypokalemia, lower extremities and systemic edema. Elderly people, women, cardiovascular disease and kidney damage are prone to this disease. Licorice and glycyrrhizin preparations caused by hyperaldosteronism and 11β-hydrogenated steroid dehydrogenase and increased mineralocorticoid receptor activity. Prevention and treatment measures include: licorice and glycyrrhizin preparations should not be high-dose or long-term use; the elderly, cardiovascular disease and kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes patients should be used with caution; try to avoid with cardiac glycosides, diuretics and other combinations; medication should be Periodic examination of serum potassium and determination of blood pressure; in the event of pseudo-aldosteronism, should be discontinued immediately; critically ill patients with appropriate potassium supplementation, oral triamterene, given a low sodium diet.
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