The most serious and the most important limitation of periodic PMF characteristics is the excess heat dissipation caused by the high frequency structure due to the interception of some scattered electrons. The quality of the electron beam focus is largely determined by the properties of a permanent magnet such as Alnico. After the use of rare earth cobalt alloy, the characteristics of periodic magnetic focusing TWT will be a breakthrough. This article describes a traveling-wave tube focused with a samarium-cobalt magnet, yielding 2 kW of output power at a 10% duty cycle. Using a common spiral slow-wave structure, the tube covers a frequency range of more than octave 3.5 to 10.6 GHz. Good load-to-wave ratio up to 10: 1 still get good work. This type of magnet is made of a rare earth cobalt powder alloy by the following process: powder preparation, magnet orientation, pressing, sintering and magnetization. Magnets used for this type of tube have a magnetic energy product of more than 15 megawatts.