Inflation and unemployment “stagflation” phenomenon is the most headaches facing economic policy makers in the 1970s. Both classical theory and Keynesian theory did not think of both inflation and involuntary unemployment. The earliest short-term stagnant expansion experienced by the United States in the late 1950s has caused a boom in the “cost-push” theory of inflation. Although Keynes emphasized the decisive role of aggregate demand, when stagflation was no longer a temporary phenomenon in the early 1970s, the tendency of economists to ignore the conditions of aggregate supply drastically declined. Economists are anxious to remedy this theoretical flaw. However, this new wave of theory has yet to provide clear guidance to economic policymakers, and this is precisely the theoretical issue that must be given the highest priority. The ability of economists to deal with full employment and inflation is only marginally improved. The theoretical discussion focused on the existence of the “Phillips Curve,” with Owen Fisher in 1926 and Keynes in "