[课本简介] 本篇选自一所中学六年级(相当于国内初中一年级)的综合母语教材《语言》。这套教材按写作类型编排,共有四种写作类型:叙事文、说明文、描写文和议论文。全书共12章,每种写作类型各安排3章;每章有3个单元,各有若干课。描写文为七、八、九3章,依次为场景描写
[Introduction to Textbooks] This is an excerpt from the comprehensive mother tongue textbook Language in the sixth grade of middle school (equivalent to the first grade of domestic junior high school). This set of textbooks is organized by type of writing. There are four types of writing: narrative, expository, description, and argumentative. The book consists of 12 chapters, each of which consists of 3 chapters; each chapter has 3 units and each has several lessons. The description texts are Chapters 7, 8 and 93.