Objective To analyze the effect of daily drinking and intermittent drinking on the level of serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and explore the reasonable drinking frequency of different alcoholic drinks. Methods A total of 2913 cases of drinking white wine, 1806 cases of drinking beer and 2394 cases of drinking red wine were enrolled in this study. The results of questionnaire combined with blood lipid test were used to compare HDL-C with drinking frequency. Results Daily alcohol drinkers had higher serum HDL-C levels (P <0.0005) than those who discontinued drinking alcohol regardless of whether other alcoholic drinks were consumed at the same time. There was no difference in HDL-C between daily drinking and intermittent drinking of beer or red wine (P> 0.05). There was no difference in the effect of HDL-C between single drink of white wine, beer and red wine every day (P> 0.05). HDL-C levels were significantly higher in discontinuous single beer drinkers than in intermittent solitary white wines (P <0.01); HDL-C was significantly higher in discontinuous single drinking red wines than in single serving beer and white wines (P <0.01, respectively) , <0.0005). Conclusion If you have the habit of drinking liquor, it is recommended to drink daily. If you have the habit of drinking beer, red wine, daily drinking and intermittent drinking, the impact of HDL-C effect. If not fixed a certain kind of wine a day, it is recommended in the choice of wine, the preferred red wine, followed by beer, wine is again.