在总路綫的光辉照耀下,发挥了敢想敢说敢干的共产主义风格,在生物学实验用具方面,我们因陋就简,就地取材,胜利地完成教学任务。现在我们介绍一些简单的而在教学上又必需的实验用具给新办中学的生物教师以作参考。 (一)简单的放大镜、用一个无色的废手电灯泡,将铜头去掉。再用旋铅笔的小刀片或者是割注射药品瓶口的小锯,在灯泡接铜头的一端锯断,除去里面的
Under the brilliant shine of the general route, I played a communist style that I dared to dare to say and dared to do. In the field of biological experiment utensils, we completed the teaching task triumphantly based on the facts and on the spot. Now we introduce some simple but necessary experimental teaching tools for the new high school biology teacher for reference. (A) a simple magnifying glass, with a colorless waste light bulb, the copper head removed. Then spin a small pencil sharpener or injection cutting the mouth of the small medicine bottle sawing the copper end of the bulb sawing, remove the inside