挪威在2000年欧洲杯后阔别国际大赛已有14年之久,去年9月又在国际足联排名中跌至历史最低的第76位,如今的挪威足球正经历着他们最黑暗的年代。然而就在9月的最后—天,—位满头金发的1 5岁少年却让这个北欧国家的足球世界重现曙光。这位1 5岁少年名叫马丁·厄德高,他的名字第一次见诸挪威媒体是在201 3年5月,当时还只有14岁的他就已开始跟随挪超劲旅斯托姆加斯特一线队训练。此后的一年半时间,厄德高横空出世,打破了一项又一项最年轻球员纪录,成为吸引包括巴萨、皇马、拜仁、曼联和利物浦在内的超过30支欧洲顶级联赛强队尽折腰的“95后”最红妖人。在《Teamtalk》评选的当今世界足坛50大妖童中,厄德高位列榜首。
Norway has been away from international competitions since the European Cup in 2000, and for 14 years, it dropped to 76th in the FIFA World ranking in September last year. Today’s Norwegian football is experiencing its darkest age. However, at the end of September - the 15-year-old blonde with a blond hair has rekindled the football world in this Nordic country. The 15-year-old boy named Martin Edegard, whose first Norwegian name was first seen in May 2013 and only 14 years old at the time, has just started to follow Stokka, First team training team. After a year and a half, Ede Kao turned out to be one of the youngest players to break the record to become a team that attracted over 30 Premier League teams including Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern, Manchester United and Liverpool Brimming “95 after ” the most red monster. In the “Teamtalk” selection of the world’s 50 big demon kids in the world, Ede high topped the list.