Tensile force correction calculation method for prestressed construction of tension structures

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science A:An International Ap | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abcd9845
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Factors such as errors during the fabrication or construction of structural components and errors of calculation as- sumption or calculation methods, are very likely to cause serious deviation of many strings’ actual prestressing forces from the designed values during tension structure construction or service period, and further to threaten the safety and reliability of the structure. Aiming at relatively large errors of the prestressing force of strings in a tension structure construction or service period, this paper proposes a new finite element method (FEM), the “tensile force correction calculation method”. Based on the measured prestressing forces of the strings, this new method applies the structure from the zero prestressing force status approach to the measured prestressing force status for the first phase, and from the measured prestressing force status approach to the designed prestressing force status for the second phase. The construction tensile force correction value for each string can be obtained by multi-iteration with FEM. Using the results of calculation, the strings’ tensile force correction by group and in batch will be methodic, simple and accurate. This new calculation method can be applied to the prestressed correction construction simulation analysis for tension structures. Factors such as errors during the fabrication or construction of structural components and errors of calculation as-sumption or calculation methods, are very likely to cause serious deviation of many strings' actual prestressing forces from the designed values ​​during tension structure construction or service period, and further to threaten the safety and reliability of the structure. Aiming at relatively large errors of the prestressing force of strings of a tension structure construction or service period, this paper proposes a new finite element method (FEM), the “tensile force correction calculation method ”. Based on the measured prestressing forces of the strings, this new method applies the structure from the zero prestressing force status approach to the measured prestressing force status for the first phase, and from the measured prestressing force status approach to the designed prestressing force status for the second phase. The construction tensile force correction value For the string can be obtained by multi-iteration with FEM. Using the results of calculation, the strings' tensile force correction by group and in batch will be methodic, simple and accurate. This new calculation method can be applied to the prestressed correction construction simulation analysis for tension structures.
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