中国科学院是我国地震科学事业的摇篮,在1971年国家地震局成立前后的一段时间内,中国科学院都是我国地震科学工作的上级主管部门。1970年1月5日云南通海发生了 Ms7.7级强烈地震。我奉中央地震工作小组之命,在大地震现场开展考察监测工作。在中南海国务院小会议厅,我作为青年专家之一被周总理召见。日理万机的周总理语重心长地对我说:“地震预报问题,你们要好好攻!人口这么多的国家,攻不破
Chinese Academy of Sciences is the cradle of China's earthquake science. Before and after the establishment of the State Seismological Bureau in 1971, the Chinese Academy of Sciences was the higher competent department of China's earthquake science. On January 5, 1970, a strong Ms7.7 earthquake occurred in Tonghai, Yunnan Province. With the order of the Central Seismic Working Group, I conducted inspection and monitoring work on the site of the great earthquake. In the small conference room of the State Council of Zhongnanhai, I was summoned by Premier Zhou as one of the young experts. Prime Minister Chou Liyou weeks ago said to me: ”Earthquake prediction, you have to attack! Population so many countries, the attack is not broken