临床资料 例1,女婴,4天,孕42-2周剖宫产儿。出生时体重3000g,Apgar评分7分,出生后24h出现呼吸急促、精神差、拒乳等症状。查体:心前区可闻及Ⅱ级粗糙收缩期杂音,心率100次/分。于出生后第四天出现颜面及全身青紫,经抢救无效死亡。尸检结果:1.先心病:主动脉弓闭锁,动脉导管直接连接降主动脉。2.右心室肥厚。患儿母亲孕早期患有呼吸道病毒感染,有服药史。 例2,男婴,2天,孕39周自然分娩儿。出生时体重2 500g,Apgar评分9分,于出生后30h出现呼吸急促、颜面青紫。查体:心前区可闻及Ⅱ级粗糙收缩期杂音,心率140次/分;双肺呼吸音粗糙,经抢救无效死亡。尸检结果:1.先心病:主动脉弓狭窄。2.室间隔缺损。3.动脉导管未闭。4.右心室肥厚。5.羊水吸入性肺炎。
Clinical data example 1, baby girl, 4 days, 42-2 weeks pregnant cesarean section. Birth weight 3000g, Apgar score 7 points, 24h after birth, shortness of breath, poor spirit, refusal milk and other symptoms. Physical examination: precordial area can be heard and grade Ⅱ rough systolic murmur, heart rate 100 beats / min. Appeared on the fourth day after birth face and body bruising, died of rescue invalid. Autopsy results: 1. Heart disease: aortic arch closure, pulmonary artery directly connected to the descending aorta. 2. Right ventricular hypertrophy. Children with respiratory tract infection in pregnant women in early pregnancy, medication history. Example 2, baby boy, 2 days, 39 weeks pregnant natural childbirth. Birth weight 2 500g, Apgar score of 9 points, 30h after birth, shortness of breath, purple face. Physical examination: precordial area can be heard and grade Ⅱ rough systolic murmur, heart rate 140 beats / min; lung breath sounds rough, died after rescue invalid. Autopsy results: 1. Congenital heart disease: aortic arch stenosis. Ventricular septal defect. Patent ductus arteriosus. Right ventricular hypertrophy. 5. Amniotic fluid aspiration pneumonia.