当我手捧着大红绸缎封皮,烫有金字的高等教育自学考试“汉语育文学”专业的大专毕业证时,我的手有些发抖。也许是梦想成真,过于激动,也许是酸甜苦辣涌上心头…… 1、插曲——理想失落我出生在一个穷困而又偏僻的山沟沟里,少年时竟不知天高地厚,做着上大学的美梦。一九七七年夏天,领了一纸县最高学府的“冒牌”高中毕业证后,被父母、老师赶鸭子上架似的“逼”着走进了刚刚恢复高考的考场,头晕脑胀几天下来,心里就没有个踏实。高考分数下来,等待我命运的终究是一个“美丽的错误”。
My hand trembled when I was holding a college diploma with a Chinese name of “Chinese Language and Culture” in a self-taught higher education exam in hot red with satin wrapper. Perhaps the dream come true, too excited, perhaps the ups and downs of bitterness ... ... 1 episode - the ideal loss I was born in a poor and remote Shan Gou ditch, juvenile did not know the heights, doing a college dream. In the summer of 1977, after receiving the “Counterfeit” High School Diploma from the highest institution of a county, she was forced to go to the examination room where she had just resumed her college entrance examination with her parents and teachers and was dizzy for a few days Down, my heart is not practical. College entrance exam down, waiting for my destiny after all, is a “beautiful mistake.”