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  摘 要:德國曼海姆科技馆作为致力于科学与工业革命的博物馆,借助不同工作种类的人员配置,演示亲身实践的设施并解释现象背后的原理,在展览中起到了积极调动公众参与的作用。每两年一次的观众调查有助于更好地认识观众,同时也反映了一些常见的问题。以啤酒特展为例,从展教活动的角度,探讨曼海姆科技馆对待困难话题的策略与方案。
  关键词:教育活动 交互展项 观众调查
  Abstract In this article, the TECHNOSEUM in Mannheim, a museum for science and the industrial revolution is introduced to outline its special way of handling the visitors through a set of different type of employees, who are working in the exhibition to engage the public by showing hands-on stations and explaining the technology behind them. It is aimed at showing some ideas about challenging topics for educational purpose. Author will briefly introduce the conduction of surveys at first, which is for the purpose of gaining a better understandingof the customers, and shows difficulties with getting to know the "non-visitors", followed with a interpretation of a living example: an exhibition about beer.
  Keywords educational activities, interactive stations, Survey of the visitors
  0 Introduction
   The TECHNOSEUM, opened in 1990 as a state museum of science, industry and the workplaces and workers living conditions, has a exhibition on the history of industrialization that covers 9 000 m2. It shows the advances in natural sciences and technology from the 18th century until today, but also the social and economic changes that followed the industrialization in Germany. For instance, one gets insights into how a steam engine works, but also learns about the consequences that the introduction of steam power had on people’s life. Many of the historical machines are still in use, and specially trained technicians will demonstrate and explain work sequences and answer visitors’ questions.
  Visitors can try things out by themselves in the three interactive elemental exhibitions shaped in the style of a science center. In one aspect, it is very different from any science centers in the world: the subject matter of these interactive stations is connected to the narrative of the museum and there are real historical objects to underline this connection. Also, the museum has a number of on-site employees of different categories to help engage visitors and assist them in getting the most out of their experience.
  1 Special employees for a personal approach
   There are three levels of on-site employees in the exhibition space:
  (1) Guards. They watch the originals and make sure visitors find their way. They also guard the originals. Dressed in their blue and white uniform, they are easy to make out in case anyone needs to ask for help.   (2) TECHNOscouts. These guides are dressed in branded bright red polo shirts to make them easy to find. Positioned at certain busy points in the special exhibition, they are here to engage with the visitors, offer assistance in the use of the interactive stations and explain more complex connections and scientific questions. They have a good understanding of the exhibition and can also answer questions concerning the content. Ideally, they can communicate with the visitors in a non-invasive way and offer to show certain experiments that can only be used with their assistance, for example, the collaborative robot "Yumi" who can built a little model car together with the visitor. The TECHNOscouts are trained and get paid for preparation time to be able to get familiar with new topics. Learning materials and educational training is provided by the research staff and the educational team. They are usually recruited from a pool of university students of mathematics or other scientific fields.
  (3) Staff for the demonstration of historical machines. These employees have special knowledge about the historical machines still in action in TECHNOSEUM, like the paper mill, where visitors can produce their own piece of paper, the 200-year-old steam-train that runs on its tracks inside and on a little tour outside of the museum every day or the printing press from the 1800s. These machines and procedures will be presented at a set schedule, so that visitors can follow these scheduled times on their tour through the museum. All senses are addressed that the motion draws the eye, the machine oil attracts the sense of smell, and the sense of hearing will be drawn to the unfamiliar and surprising sound of the watermills rushing water or the squeaking of the wooden paper mill, so there is always some wheel turning or some machine that makes noise to draw attention! By engaging the visitors in some of the action, whether it is riding the train or weaving the cloth, the sense of touch is also appealed to the visitors.
  2 Survey of the visitors
   The TECHNOSEUM has worked with a professional institute in producing their surveys. The contracted company has done every two years, with some questions that were asked to target certain topics, such as: did the visitors like the new aspect of the museum (e.g. the interactive stations)? how did they hear about the special exhibition? how would they rate the friendliness of the staff?
  The report of these surveys is very detailed and about 150 pages long. The analysis of the survey takes a lot of time and expert study, but it can guide the staff in the right direction for change and is considered as very valuable feedback. It has also shown that it would be even better to do these surveys in-house, as to have a better and closer control of their direction and quality.
摘 要 展品是科技馆展览教育服务中实现教育目的的核心要素。如何基于展品设计教育活动,是众多科技馆转型的核心问题。本文针对科技馆“观众为中心”观念转向的现状进行解剖,明确展品在科技馆中的价值和地位;同时,针对现有教育活动仅基于展览设计成品进行“缝补式设计”,具有滞后性等特点,导致难以发挥展览教育功能等问题,构建科技馆展品教育信息通信过程模型,重新审视展品的教育价值,进而将模型落实于实践活动中。  关
摘 要 教育活动是博物馆的核心工作之一,但国内鲜有针对博物馆教育活动开发框架的研究。目前,上海自然博物馆开发了百余种不同类型的教育活动,其中以在“探索中心”独立活动区域实施的“自然探索移动课堂”最具代表性,获得了业内的广泛好评。以“奇特的千足百喙”活动为对象,归纳和剖析了基于情境学习理论的博物馆教育活动,以期对国内同行有所裨益。  关键词 情境学习 博物馆 教育活动 开发框架  0 引言  当代博
摘 要:本论文以东风小康自主品牌某车型为案例,通过对该车型进行外流场分析,并对其分析过程与结果做通用性描述,模拟出整车满载下的风阻系数、表面压力分布云图、车身流线分布情况等。通过风阻系数与迎风面积等相关参数,利用cruise 软件对该车型的最大速度、各档位的加速度、油耗等进行预测;根据表面压力分布云图、流线情况,可以判断车型设计是否满足预期设计。汽车外流场分析应用到汽车开发、设计,能给国内自主品牌
往年收完庄稼的秋冬农闲季节,文治叔就跟其他几个爱摸枪的后生,自发组织起来上山打猎。梨树岭人惯于把这项活动叫“出坡”。而自去年以来,政府开展收枪治暴工作,凡是有一定杀伤力的枪支都主动上缴或被没收了。即便有人斗胆私藏,也不敢轻易声张,更不敢拿出来用了。出坡,从此便中断下来。  野物在山上,像是有谁给通风报信,不知从哪里就纷纷蹿了出来。这对于庄稼人,无异于一场不小的灾难。尤其是野猪这畜生,对于快要成熟的
摘 要 安徽省“十二五”期间中等职业教育师资队伍建设取得了长足进步,但队伍整体素质与现代职业教育体系构建和高质量发展的要求相比还有明显差距,迫切需要以领军型教师引领加强教师团队建设。安徽省在实施中等职业教育质量提升工程中,建设“名师工作坊”项目,着力于抓好项目设计、队伍建设、运行机制、跟踪督促等环节,在培养有知名度和影响力教学名师、打造优秀教学团队、实施教育教学改革和科研项目、提炼优秀教育教学和科
Abstract The National Science Museum THAILAND is a multi-in-one museum cluster, which is composed of Science Museum, Natural History Museum, Information Technology Museum, Science Square, and two othe
摘 要 地方科技馆科学传播与普及事业的开展,离不开地方文化资源的支撑。基于江苏省科学技术馆的建设规模和特点,我们长期坚持“以软补硬”,重视团队建设与科普资源挖掘,融合南京地域文化,开发多元化的教育活动,在一定程度上拓展了教育功能的路径,让科技馆焕发新的生命活力。  关键词 教育活动 地方资源 南京文化 江苏省科学技术馆  0 引言   国民素质决定国家竞争力,而教育是提高国民素质的根本途径。科技
康明斯为排放解决方案推出了EcoFit Single Module独立模块,这是一种超高效后处理系统。EcoFit Single Module由DPF(柴油颗粒过滤器)、分解反应器和SCR系统组成。与当前的SCR DPF系统组合相比,体积小60%,轻40%,同时减排性能提升。更小的体积使之更好地进行热管理,并保持燃油经济性的改善。简单的单一通道尾气流设计使背压降低20%。  据康明斯排放技术部门负
巴巴地活着  子夜的钟声响起  从自己走出,在你看来  这是我有不在场的证据  但我明白,自己对自己的逃亡  往往,陷入一场更大的茫然  一些虚构的时间,兀自明亮  从被动到主动,我总是  不自觉地成为扭曲的证词  疲惫的心,仍旧在奔波  一个人踩着光芒,独自人间舞蹈  岁 月  春天走远,故事泛黄  去年的桃花,又把一个人的思念  开在今春的枝头  我一再伪装自己,春风  总在不经意处,说痛远处
自主招生政策变化快  《中国青年报》发文介绍了江苏省高职院校自主招生政策变化所遇到的尴尬。根据江苏省教育考试院公布的新政,从2013年起,全省共有26所国家示范高职院校可以面向普高和中职毕业生自主招生,去年仅有15所国家示范高职院校有这个特权,而且只能招收普通高中毕业生。因为去年的政策已经广为人知,所以今年中职生可以参与高职自主招生,这一新的政策尚很少有学生或家长知道,甚至连各地招办的工作人员也鲜