1.长吁短叹舒心气。人在七情六欲中生活,难得时时顺心,事事如意,于是,长吁短叹便油然而生。传统观念认为,长吁短叹是一种消极悲观现象,甚至认为对健康极为不利,其实并非如此,长吁短叹对人体健康是大有益处的。其理由有三: 其一,现代医学研究认为,长吁短叹是机体进行自我调节的一种生理现象,有类似音气疗法(即六字诀)的功能。能使体内的疲劳之气、怒气怨气得以清理排泄,可改善呼吸功能,强健呼吸肌,并使精神爽快。其二,长吁短叹有明显的降压作用。部分心理学家
1. Long short sigh comfortable. People live in all kinds of sentiments, rare from time to time, all the best, so long sigh will be spontaneously arises. The traditional view is that long sighs and sighs are a phenomenon of negative pessimism and even think that it is extremely unfavorable to health. In fact, this is not the case. Long sighs and sighs are of great benefit to human health. There are three reasons for this: First, the modern medical research holds that long-sighing and sighing is a physiological phenomenon that the body self-adjusts and has functions similar to those of sound therapy (ie, the six-character tactic). Can make the body’s fatigue, anger and resentment to clear excretion, can improve respiratory function, strong respiratory muscles, and refreshing spirit. Second, long-sigh sigh obvious antihypertensive effect. Some psychologists