Through the cultivation experiment, the change and distribution of available potassium in available phosphorus from two permulated soils (one stubble and two stubble plants) were studied. The results showed that the application of expanded perlite effectively increased the content of available nutrients in the facility soils. The contents of available nitrogen increased by 14.5% -49.7%, available phosphorus increased by 12.8% -113.3%, available potassium increased by 1.3% ~ 25.1%. The content of available nutrients in the surface soils was significantly lower than that in the control area and the first planting after perlite was applied in the second planting soil after the infiltration of expanded perlite, while the nutrient content in the topsoil was higher than that in the first time Planting soil and control area. Among them, the content of alkaline nitrogen in surface layer decreased by 34.5% compared with the first planting soil, while the content in top layer increased by 10.5% ~ 13.0%; the available phosphorus content decreased by 42.8% in the surface layer, While the topsoil increased by 35.0%. The content of available potassium in the top layer did not change obviously. However, the available potassium in the topsoil increased from 1.3% ~ 16.3% to 14.6% ~ 25.1% in the top layer.