Analysis of Global CCS Technology,Regulations and Its Potential for Emission Reduction with Focus on

来源 :Advances in Climate Change Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szmms
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This paper introduces the development of Carbon Capture and Storage(CCS) technology,the progress in CCS demonstration projects,and regulations and policies related to CCS.Barriers and limitations for the large-scale deployment of CCS are discussed.CCS and different technological solutions for emission reduction(e.g.,energy conservation and renewable energy) are compared.The analysis shows that China should carefully evaluate the negative impacts of CCS deployment and needs to enhance the research and development input in CCS in order to master core technologies of CCS systems.Furthermore,CCS incentives should depend on actual CCS development.Based on the current situation, China may need to focus on retrofitting existing thermal power plants with CCS technology,so CCS can be promoted for future large-scale application. This paper introduces the development of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology, the progress in CCS demonstration projects, and regulations and policies related to CCS. Barriers and limitations for the large-scale deployment of CCS are discussed. CCS and different technological solutions for emission reduction (eg, energy conservation and renewable energy) are compared. the analysis shows that china should carefully evaluate the negative impacts of CCS deployment and needs to enhance the research and development input in CCS in order to master core technologies of CCS systems .Furthermore , CCS incentives should depend on actual current situation, China may need to focus on retrofitting existing thermal power plants with CCS technology, so CCS can be promoted for future large-scale application.
山东省邮政局于壬午(马)年初一(2002.2.12)在全省各个地市级邮政局启用“壬午年正月初一REN-WU YEAR”纪念邮戳,戳图由任怀平设计,各由源于不同历史时期栩栩如生的马图和形