根据中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅《关于涉及农民负担项目审核处理意见的通知》(中办发[1993]10号)的要求,经研究,国家计委、财政部、农业部提出了涉及农民负担需要修改的九个收费项目文件的具体修改意见,其内容如下: 一、婚姻登记费。将原国家物价局、财政部《关于发布民政系统行政事业性收费项目及标准的通知》([1992]价费字249号)中第二条修改为:“二、各级民政部门办理国内婚姻登记可收取婚姻证书费。婚姻证书(结婚、夫妻关系证明书)收费标准:精装本每对9元,简装本每对2元,公民可自愿选择。离婚、解除夫妻关系证明书的收费标准由省级物价部门会同同级财政部门按不高于婚姻登记证书收费标准的原则核定。证书均由民政部监制,省级民政厅(局)印制。”
According to the requirements of the Circular of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on “Opinions on Examination and Handling of Peasant Burden” (Zhongbanfa [1993] No. 10), the State Development Planning Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture proposed Burden need to modify the nine charges item specific comments on changes, the contents are as follows: First, the marriage registration fee. The former State Price Bureau, the Ministry of Finance, “on the promulgation of Civil Administration system of administrative fees and standards notice” ([1992] Price Word No. 249) in the second amended as follows: "Second, the civil affairs departments at all levels for domestic Marriage registration fees may be charged marriage certificate. Marriage certificate (marriage, marital relationship certificate) fees: hardcover 9 yuan per pair, paperback 2 yuan per pair, citizens may choose. Divorce, the lifting of the couple certificate of tuition fees The provincial price department, together with the financial department at the same level, shall verify the fee at the level not higher than that of the marriage registration certificate, which is produced by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and printed by the provincial Civil Affairs Department (bureau).