Extending Parikh and Wilczeks work to the non-stationary black hole, we discuss the Hawking radiation of the slowly varying Reissner-Nordstr(o)m black hole by c
The excess Helmholtz free energy functional for associating Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid is formulated in terms of a weighted density approximation for short-ranged
术文描述由休斯航空公司研制、试验和取得专利的低重力推进剂测量系统(PGS)。PGS 在通常卫星预定15年飞行寿命中预测卫星寿命终了(EOL)的准确度在±2月之内甚至更佳。该系统
The temperature dependence of silicon-on-insulator thermo-optic attenuators is analysed, which originates from the temperature dependence of characteristics of
The compressional behaviour of natural pyrope gaet is investigated by using angle-dispersive synchrotron radiation x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy in a
引言位于加州洛杉矶的密集强震区域(社区)地震台网(Community Seismic Network,CSN),目前由500个传感器组成(图1)。地震台网的传感器是低成本微机电(low-cost microelectromechanical,MEM)加速度计传感器,最大可以记录±2g的加速度。台网最初的主要产品是在大地震发生后几秒钟测量地面震动(图2)。地震信息产品主要服务于美国地质调