The kidneys regulate the amount of body fluid throughout the body, and this regulation is persistent and has a great relationship with the regulation of blood pressure. On the one hand, the kidneys can be regarded as target organs of hypertension damage, once the kidney is damaged, the incidence of hypertension is increased. Hypertension caused by renal damage pathological manifestations of renal sclerosis, the performance of renal blood flow decreased proteinuria. However, the mechanisms by which high blood pressure causes glomerulosclerosis, renal blood flow, and proteinuria are unclear. In addition, large-scale clinical trials have shown that angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin II (AII) receptor antagonists not only lower blood pressure, but also reduce urinary protein, inhibit renal dysfunction and have renal protective effect . This article describes the pathophysiology of hypertensive renal impairment and the use of renin-angiotensin (R-A) system inhibitors.