1985年1月3日,《运城报》第四版登载了这样一则消息:《李典立当好班主任的窍门——带着学生长跑》,6月6日,《人民日报》头版也登载了这一消息。那年底,《人民日报》选编的《凡人新事选》也以《传班宝》为题将此篇收入。五年过去了,李典立老师和他的“传班宝”现在情况怎样了呢? 初春的一个下午,我来到山西运城康杰中学,找到了李老师任班主任的理科一班。我从窗缝往讲台望去,只见李老师一会儿在黑板上画图,一会儿侧身对学生讲解,一会又快速地写出一行行算式。当我转目向学生望去时,只见80多位同学都聚精汇神地盯着讲台上的李老
On January 3, 1985, the fourth edition of Yuncheng Pamphlet posted a message: “Li Dianli is a good teacher in charge with a long-distance running.” On June 6, the front page of People’s Daily also posted The news. At the end of that year, “People’s Daily News” compiled the “new choice for mortal” with the title of “Biography Bao” as the title of this income. Five years have passed, Li Dianli teacher and his “Biography Banbao” what happened? One afternoon in early spring, I came to Shanxi Yuncheng Kangjie High School, to find a teacher in charge of science teacher Li class. I stole from the window to the podium, and I saw Teacher Li drawing on the blackboard for a while while explaining the student sideways for a moment, and quickly wrote a line formula. When I turned to look at the students, I saw more than 80 students are attentively staring at the podium of Li Lao