2000年5月17日,辽宁省公安厅罕见地对同一个犯罪嫌疑人第二次发布通缉令, 奖金从10万元提高到30万元。如此高额的赏金在中国警方通缉令中也极为罕见。通缉令非常简单:犯罪嫌疑人毛景祥1996年至1997 年涉嫌贪污、挪用公款,并有其他犯罪嫌疑(待查)。阜新市人民检察院于1998年6月8 日对其做出批准逮捕的决定。毛景祥携妻史淑珍、外甥女刘学清外逃。毛景祥的外逃为此案蒙上一层玄秘色彩:因为毛是个老警察,不但是个警察, 还是个局长。
On May 17, 2000, Liaoning Provincial Public Security Bureau issued a second arrest warrant for the same criminal suspect for a second time, raising the prize money from 100,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan. Such high rewards are also extremely rare in Chinese arrest warrants. Wanted arrest is very simple: suspect Mao Jingxiang from 1996 to 1997 suspected of embezzlement, embezzlement and other criminal suspects (pending). Fuxin City People’s Procuratorate on June 8, 1998 made its decision to approve the arrest. Mao Jingxiang with his wife Shuxu Zhen, niece Liu Xueqing fled. Mao Jingxiang’s flight cast a mysterious color to the case: Mao was an old police officer, not only a police officer but also a director.