History of Ford
Ford Motor Company commenced operations in June 1903, when Henry Ford and 11 business associates signed the company’s articles of incorporation. With $28,000 in cash, the pioneering industrialists gave birth to what was to become one of the world’s largest corporations.
Henry Ford’s remarkable insight led him to gear his company’s future towards the production of affordable cars for a mass market. From 1903, Ford began using the first 19 letters of the alphabet to name new cars. In 1908, the Model T was born. 19 years and 15 million Model T’s later, Ford Motor Company was a giant in dus tri al complex that spanned the globe. In 1925, Ford Motor Com pa ny acquired the Lincoln Motor Company, al low ing Ford to branch out into the luxury car market too.
During those years of hectic expansion, Ford Motor Company:
Began producing trucks and tractors (1917).
Became wholly owned by Henry Ford and his son, Edsel, who succeeded his father as president in 1919.
Bought the Lincoln Motor Company (1922).
Built the first of 196 Ford Tri-Motor airplanes used by America’s first commercial airlines (1925).
In June 2003, Ford celebrated its 100th Anniversary. Their strat egy is clear, as Vill Ford, Chairman and CEO of Ford says, “Our visionfor the future is simple: We want to build great products, a strong business, and a better world.”
Today, Ford Motor Company is the second-largest car and truck pro duc er in the world and is ranked second on the Fortune 500 list of the largest U.S. industrial corporations, based on sales. Ford Motor Com pa ny is a family of automotive brands consisting of: Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin, and Volvo.
History of Rolls-Royce
Rolls-Royce grew from the electrical and mechanical business es tab lished by Henry Royce in 1884. Royce built his first mo tor car in 1904, and in May of that year met Charles Rolls, whose company sold quality cars in London. Agreement was reached that Royce Limited would manufacture a range of cars to be exclusively sold by CS Rolls
Ford Motor Company commenced operations in June 1903, when Henry Ford and 11 business associates signed the company’s articles of incorporation. With $28,000 in cash, the pioneering industrialists gave birth to what was to become one of the world’s largest corporations.
Henry Ford’s remarkable insight led him to gear his company’s future towards the production of affordable cars for a mass market. From 1903, Ford began using the first 19 letters of the alphabet to name new cars. In 1908, the Model T was born. 19 years and 15 million Model T’s later, Ford Motor Company was a giant in dus tri al complex that spanned the globe. In 1925, Ford Motor Com pa ny acquired the Lincoln Motor Company, al low ing Ford to branch out into the luxury car market too.
During those years of hectic expansion, Ford Motor Company:
Began producing trucks and tractors (1917).
Became wholly owned by Henry Ford and his son, Edsel, who succeeded his father as president in 1919.
Bought the Lincoln Motor Company (1922).
Built the first of 196 Ford Tri-Motor airplanes used by America’s first commercial airlines (1925).
In June 2003, Ford celebrated its 100th Anniversary. Their strat egy is clear, as Vill Ford, Chairman and CEO of Ford says, “Our visionfor the future is simple: We want to build great products, a strong business, and a better world.”
Today, Ford Motor Company is the second-largest car and truck pro duc er in the world and is ranked second on the Fortune 500 list of the largest U.S. industrial corporations, based on sales. Ford Motor Com pa ny is a family of automotive brands consisting of: Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin, and Volvo.
History of Rolls-Royce
Rolls-Royce grew from the electrical and mechanical business es tab lished by Henry Royce in 1884. Royce built his first mo tor car in 1904, and in May of that year met Charles Rolls, whose company sold quality cars in London. Agreement was reached that Royce Limited would manufacture a range of cars to be exclusively sold by CS Rolls