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1.等可能性设一个试验在条件完全相同的情况下所有发生的结果有n个,它们都是随机事件,每次试验有且只有其中一个结果出现,如果每个结果出现的机会均等,那么我们说这n个事件的发生是等可能的,也称这个试验的结果具有等可能性. 1. Equal Possibilities Assuming that a test produces exactly n results with exactly the same conditions, all of them are random events, with only one of them occurring at each experiment. If the chances of each result are equal, then We say that the occurrence of these n events is so possible, and we say that the outcome of this trial is an equal possibility.
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二次根式所要考查的内容集中在二次根式的相关概念、二次根式的性质应用以及二次根式的混合运算等几个方面,虽然相对而言题型比较简单,但也容易引发错误: The second root t