日本广播公司(NHK)和日立公司研制成一个具有超高灵敏度的18mm 新型摄象管。该管和 Harp 摄象管一样,利用非晶光导体中雪崩冲击效应引起信号倍增,只是具有更强的增强效果。Super-HARP 的灵敏度比 Saticon 的灵敏度高100倍。Super-HARP 管甚至在星光和烛光的低照度下,能摄制高分辨率、高质量图象,且具有高信噪比,低暗电流和低迟滞性。该摄象管的灵敏度变化范围很宽,在任何光照条件下都能使用,而且不会损害图象质量。装备 Super-HARP 摄象管的一种便携式彩色摄象机将很快投入使用。
Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) and Hitachi developed a 18mm new camera with ultra-high sensitivity. The tube, like the Harp tube, utilizes the avalanche impact effect in amorphous light conductors to cause signal multiplication, but with enhanced enhancement. The sensitivity of Super-HARP is 100 times higher than that of Saticon. Super-HARP tubes produce high-resolution, high-quality images even under star and candle illumination, with high signal-to-noise ratio, low dark current and low hysteresis. The sensitivity of the tube varies widely and can be used under any lighting conditions without compromising image quality. A portable color camera equipped with a Super-HARP camera will soon come into operation.