会议消息 ○第四届中国出版工作者协会科技出版工作委员会第一次会议于3月3日在北京举行。本届委员会由38人组成,卢鸣谷同志任主任委员。参加该会的成员单位有170多家。 ○中国索引学会第二届年会暨学术讨论会将于今年8月在长春市举行,会议将围绕索引工作如何为经济建设服务和索引工作如何实现自动化、标准化两个主题进行研讨。
Meeting News ○ The first meeting of the 4th China Publishing Workers Association Science and Technology Publishing Working Committee was held in Beijing on March 3. The current committee is composed of 38 people and Comrade Lu Ming Gu is the chairman. There are more than 170 member units participating in the conference. ○ The 2nd Annual Meeting and Symposium of China Indexing Society will be held in Changchun in August this year. The conference will focus on how indexing services and indexing for economic construction can be automated and standardized.