科学规范 高效有情——新黄浦集团探索引人、选人、用人、留人新机制

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新黄浦集团自1994年成立以来,在经济持续增长的同时始终保持着对高素质人才的渴求,针对集团发展过程中面临的一系列困难:如房地产业萎缩,大量的劳动力富余,适应现代化企业制度的经营型、复合型、开拓型、国际型人才又极度稀缺;现有人力资源专业性不够强、门类不够广,中高级人才比例偏低,而且现有人才存量尚未发挥最高效能,使企业竞争力和产业拓展受到限制。为此,集团人力资源部在集团领导的关心下,对传统的国有企业人事管理制度进行了大胆的改革实践,将工作重点调整到整体性的人力资源的管理和开发上来,探索一系列引人、选人、用人、留人的新机制。 Since its establishment in 1994, the new Huangpu Group has always maintained its thirst for highly qualified personnel while maintaining its economic growth. In response to a series of difficulties in the development of the Group, such as shrinking real estate industry, large amount of labor surplus and adapting itself to the modern enterprise system The existing human resources professionals are not strong enough, the categories are not wide enough, the proportion of senior and middle-level talents is low, and the existing talent stock has not yet achieved the highest performance so that the competition among enterprises Force and industrial expansion are limited. To this end, under the care of the leaders of the Group, the Group's Human Resources Department has boldly implemented the reform of the personnel management system in the traditional state-owned enterprises and adjusted its work to the management and development of the overall human resources. , Selection, employment, keep a new mechanism.
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在对冰蓄冷系统模型进行分析的基础上 ,结合具体实验对小型冰球式蓄冷系统进行损失的计算和分析 ,从而揭示了系统中的能量损失的原因所在 ,找出了系统节能的有效途径 ,并
在社会主义市场经济条件下,领导决策能否达到科学化,关系到企业的兴衰荣辱,对企业的发展尤为重要。 一、市场经济条件下影响企业领导决策科学化的几个因素 1.市场信息真假难