1.小麦 9月下旬667平方米施腐熟优质有机肥5~8立方米,过磷酸钙100公斤,尿素25公斤,硫酸钾50公斤,稀土微肥15公斤。翻耕土地时667平方米施2公斤林丹粉防治地下害虫。10月上旬于2.2米的种植带内,足墒播种6行优质高产小麦,行距20厘米,占地1米。667平方米产350公斤。
1. Wheat In late September, 667 square meters of applied decomposed high-quality organic fertilizer 5 to 8 cubic meters, superphosphate 100 kg, urea 25 kg, potassium sulfate 50 kg, rare earth fertilizer 15 kg. Land plow 667 square meters applied 2 kg lindane powder control pests underground. In early October in the 2.2-meter planting belt, enough moisture to sow six rows of high-quality and high-yield wheat, spaced 20 cm, covering 1 meter. 667 square meters to produce 350 kilograms.