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  For those 20 years, an unbelievable number of really 1)eminent and accomplished figures in the wine world were sort of drawn into the orbit of these bottles. I think they wanted to believe that the most expensive bottle of wine in the world must be the best bottle of wine in the world, must be the rarest bottle of wine in the world. I became increasingly interested in the question of, you know, why do people spend these crazy amounts of money, not only on wine but on...on lots of things, and are they living a better life than me [sic]?
  So, I decided to 2)embark on a quest. I decided to sample the very best, or most expensive, or most 3)coveted item in about a dozen categories.
  This is soap that’s made from silver 4)nanoparticles, which have 5)antibacterial properties. I washed my face with this this morning in preparation for this. And it, you know,
  6)tickled a little bit and it smelled good, but I have to say that nobody here has 7)complimented me on the cleanliness of my face today.
  Armando Manni is a former filmmaker who makes this olive oil from an olive that grows on a single slope in Tuscany. And he goes to great lengths to protect the olive oil from oxygen and light. He uses tiny bottles, the glass is tinted, he tops the olive oil off with an inert gas. He regularly conducts
  8)molecular analyses and posts the results online, so you can go online and look at your batch number and see how the 9)phenolics are developing, and gauge its freshness. I did a blind taste test of this with 20 people and five other olive oils. It tasted fine. It tasted interesting. It was very green, it was very peppery. But in the blind taste test, it came in last. The olive oil that came in first was actually a bottle of Whole Foods 365 olive oil which had been 10)oxidizing next to my stove for six months.
  And I just wanted to finish by mentioning a very interesting study which came out earlier this year from some researchers at Stanford and Caltech. They gave subjects the same wine, labeled with different price tags. A lot of people, you know, said that they liked the more expensive wine more—it was the same wine, but they thought it was a different one that was more expensive. But what was unexpected was that these researchers did MRI brain imaging while the people were drinking the wine, and not only did they say they enjoyed the more expensively labeled wine more—their brain actually registered as experiencing more pleasure from the same wine when it was labeled with a higher price tag.
  Thank you.
  阿曼多·曼尼以前是一名电影制片人,他用种在托斯卡纳某处斜坡上的橄榄树上的橄榄制成了这种橄榄油,而且想方设法将其真空避光保存。他用有色小玻璃瓶装橄榄油,并在橄榄油上层注入惰性气体。他定期对这些橄榄油做分子分析,还把结果公布在网上,你可以在网上通过查找批号,看到你手中的橄榄油里多酚化合物的变化,并测量其新鲜度。我把它混在其他五种橄榄油当中,让20个人做盲测。这种橄榄油口味独特、有趣。色泽清亮,非常辛辣。但在盲测结果中,它排名最后。排名最前的橄榄油是一瓶从超市买来,而且在我的灶台上被氧化了六个月的Whole Foods 365橄榄油。
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