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约书亚·司哥德尔(Joshua.scodoel),美国芝加哥大学英语系和比较文学教授,比较文学系主任,1979年获普林斯顿大学比较文学专业学士学位,1985年获耶鲁大学比较文学专业博士学位。多年来,司哥德尔教授致力于16世纪和17世纪英国文学以及有关古典传统文学的文学批评理论研究,发表了大量的学术论文,并著有大量的学术研究论文专著,著有:《英国诗歌的墓志铭:怀念与冲突(从琼斯到华兹华斯)》(康奈尔大学出版社,1991年),〈〈英国近代文学中的繁简与庸简〉〉(普林斯顿大学出版社,2001年)等专著。2009年10月11日,司哥德尔教授应华中师范大学〈〈外国文学研究〉〉主编聂针钊教授之邀,在文学院学术报告厅作了题为“英语文学和比较文学面临的挑战——以芝加哥大学为例”的学术讲座。讲座以芝加哥大学的英语文学和比较文学本科课程设置为参考实例,重点阐述了英语文学和比较文学专业在经济压力下和在世界政治、文化日益多元化的背景下面临的挑战,以及这两个专业课程设置在具体实施过程中存在的利、弊问题。 Joshua Scodoel, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Chicago, USA, Director of Department of Comparative Literature, Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature from Princeton University in 1979, and Doctorate of Comparative Literature from Yale University in 1985. Over the years, Professor Sparkle has devoted himself to the study of British literature in the 16th and 17th centuries as well as the literary criticism of classical classical literature. He has published a large number of academic dissertations and has authored numerous monographs on academic research including: “British Poetry (From Jones to Wordsworth) (Cornell University Press, 1991), The Simplification and Simplicity in Modern British Literature (Princeton University Press, 2001 Year) and other monographs. On October 11, 2009, Professor Sparkle was invited by Professor Nie Zhenzhao, editor-in-chief of << Foreign Literature Studies >> of Huazhong Normal University, to give a lecture entitled ”Challenges in English Literature and Comparative Literature in the Academic Lecture Hall of the College of Arts - University of Chicago as an example "academic lecture. The lecture was based on the setting of undergraduate curriculums of English literature and comparative literature at the University of Chicago as an example. The lecture focused on the challenges faced by the English literature and comparative literature profession under the economic pressure and in the increasingly diversified political and cultural world. The problems of the pros and cons existing in the process of the implementation of the specialized course setting.
泰国野葛 Pueraria mirifica 在泰国民间作为复壮药已有悠久历史。曾从该植物中分离到一独特的雌激素样酚类物质 miroe-strol(1)。作者以生物检测为导向,从泰国野葛中分得一
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目的 :构建大鼠钠尿肽 B受体 c DNA探针克隆载体 ,为研究该受体基因表达奠定基础。方法 :设计钠尿肽 B受体特异的 PCR引物 ,提取大鼠肺组织总 RNA,进行反转录 PCR,扩增目的片
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