Computational diffusion kinetics and its applications in study and design of rare metallic materials

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pt315311
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Computational diffusion kinetics(CDK),with a spirit of and being coupled with the computational thermodynamics(CT,or called as the CALPHAD technique),plays increasingly important role in the alloy design/optimization and microstructure control during the processing of advanced metallic materials.This paper is to highlight recent progress of CDK in research with great focus on novel Ti and Zr alloys,which was largely performed in the authors’group.It ends with one representative example of the applications of CDK,coupled with CT,quantitative phase field,and three-dimensional(3D)statistical calculation,in designing the heattreatment schedule for the dual phase(αβ)Ti–6Al–4V alloys. Computational diffusion kinetics (CDK), with a spirit of and being coupled with the computational thermodynamics (CT, or called as the CALPHAD technique), plays an important role in the alloy design / optimization and microstructure control during the processing of advanced metallic materials. This paper is to highlight recent progress of CDK in research with great focus on novel Ti and Zr alloys, which was largely performed in the authors’ group. It ends with one representative example of the applications of CDK, coupled with CT, quantitative phase field , and three-dimensional (3D) statistical calculation, in designing the heat treatment schedule for the dual phase (αβ) Ti-6Al-4V alloys.
2003年10月1 5日9时。杨利伟驾乘由长征二号F火箭运载的神舟五号飞船首次进入太空。在成功邀游太空21小时23分钟后胜利凯旋。神舟五号的研制与成功发射标志着中国成为第三个独立掌握载人航天技术的国家。  在成功飞天之后杨利伟当之无愧地被评为第十四届“中国十大杰出青年”。也正是在这一年。他走进了中华全国青年联合会。第二年即当选全国青联常委。  谈起全国青联组织的活动。杨利伟感叹到。有太多活动都给他
摘要:构建创新型国家必须提高高科技企业技术创新能力。我国高科技企业由于科技人才、经费投入、创新观念、激励机制、政策环境等方面原因,导致高科技企业技术创新能力不强。借鉴发达国家在推动高科技企业技术创新能力方面经验认为,我国必须强化高科技企业的自主创新,完善高科技企业技术创新的外部技术市场环境和知识产权保护制度,加强高科技企业现代企业制度的建立,加强政府和社会各界对高科技企业技术创新的支持力度。  关
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