一、选地及整地 1、选地:选用潜在肥力高,结构良好及透气透水协调,具有水浇条件的黑五花土及自五花土。轮作年限2—3年以上,严禁重茬、迎茬。 2、地整:在秋翻的基础上认真整地,达到地平土暄,保证有效土层26厘米。整地时间一般以4月5日前为宜。起垄办法:4米畦田,按大垄垄距0.63米,小垄垄距0.4米分别起垄夹肥,或把农肥撒在地表耙入土中。起垄后轧平垄台,每亩施优质农肥2000公斤,浇好底墒水。
I. Site selection and site preparation 1. Selection of sites: Selection of black and green soil with high potential fertility, well-structured and breathable and water-permeable conditions, and water-irrigated soil. Rotation period of 2-3 years, no stubble, Yingcui. 2, to the whole area: on the basis of the autumn turn carefully site preparation, to achieve the level of soil Xuan, to ensure effective soil 26 cm. The preparation time is generally before April 5 is appropriate. Ridging method: 4 meters 畦 Tian, according to a large ridge ridge distance 0.63 m, a small Ridge ridge spacing of 0.4 m ridge clip fertilizer, or scattered on the surface of agricultural fertilizer rake into the soil. Rim Ridge after flat ridge, high-quality agricultural fertilizer per acre 2000 kg, poured into the end of moisture.