[David WU,et al.Abstracts ASAIO1987;16:15(英文)]选择人工心脏的驱动参数时需要分别考虑收缩时相和舒张时相.房压的大小和舒张期的长短限制着舒张期充入心室的血容量,收缩期把这些血射出所需的时间取决于动脉压与气动驱动压力的比值(AP:DP).这项研究的目的是需估计这些关系及它们在驱动系统管理中的应用。真空成形的人工
[David WU, et al. Abstracts ASAIO 1987; 16:15 (English) Selecting the driving parameters of the artificial heart requires separate consideration of the contracting phase and the diastolic phase. The size of the diastolic pressure and the length of diastole limit the diastolic filling Ventricular blood volume, systolic time to inject these blood depends on the ratio of arterial pressure and aerodynamic actuation pressure (AP: DP) .The purpose of this study is to assess these relationships and their application in the management of the drive system . Vacuum forming of artificial